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內容簡介: This extensive survey documents Tibetan society over five decades, including population structure in rural and urban areas, marriage and migration patterns, the maintenance of language and traditional culture, econo博客來網路書局mic transitions relating to income and consumption habits, educational development, and the growth of civil society and social organizations. In addition to household surveys completed over twenty years, the book provides a systematic analysis of all available social and census data released by the Chinese government, and a thorough review of Western and Chinese literature on the topic. It is the first book on Tibetan society published in English by a mainland China scholar, and covers several sensitive issues in Tibetan studies, including population changes, Han migration into Tibetan areas, intermarriage patterns, and ethnic relations.
作者簡介博客來網路書店Rong Ma博客來書店Rong Ma is a widely respected demographer and professor of sociology at Peking University. He spent five years in Inner Mongolia during the Cultural Revolution, and was one of the first Chinese students to study in the US after Deng Xiaoping’s reforms, receiving his doctorate degree from Brown University.博客來
生產計劃與管制 | 精實六標準差 | 作業研究(廖) | 作業研究(楊) | ||||
企業管理(林) | 生產線再造革命:一貫化一個流同步化的流線生產方式 | 設備維護管理(精裝本) | 提高解析力與對策力的作法 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: RONG MA
- 出版社:香港大學出版社 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2011/01/01
- 語言:英文
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生存之道:對人而言 最重要的事 | 拿破崙.希爾的自我行銷學 | 闖世代:就用熱血打敗全球倦業潮吧! | 敢夢還是作夢 | ||||
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