買東西English in Singapore:Modernity and Management追加好評
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內容簡介: English in Singapore provides an up-to-date, detailed and comprehensive investigation into the various issues surrounding the sociolinguistics of English in Singapore. Rather than attempting to cover the usual topics in an overview of a variety of English in a particular country, the essays in this volume are important for identifying some of the most significant issues pertaining to the state and status of English in Singapore in modern times, and for doing so in a treatment that involves a critical evaluation of work in the field and new and thought-provoking angles for reviewing such issues in the context of Singapore in the twenty-first century. The contributions address the historical trajectory of English (past, present and possible future), its position in relation to language policy and multiculturalism, the relationship between the standard and colloquial varieties, and how English can and should be taught. This book is thus essential reading for scholars and students concerned with how the dynamics of the English language are played out and managed in a modern society such as Singapore. It will also interest readers who have a more general interest in Asian studies, the sociology of language, and World Englishes.
博客來作者簡介Lisa LimLisa Lim directs the Language and Communication Programme in the School of English at the University of Hong Kong. She teaches in this Programme and the English Studies Programme. Her current research areas include New Englishes, especially Asian, postcolonial varieties, with particular interest in contact dynamics in the ecology metaphor, as well as identity, endangerment, shift and revitalization in multilingual minority communities. She serves on the editorial board of the journal World Englishes. 博客來網路書店Anne Pakir博客來網路書局Anne Pakir is an associate professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at the National University of Singapore. Her research interests lie in language policy and planning, World Englishes and English in Southeast Asia. 博客來書店Lionel WeeLionel Wee is an associate professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at the National University of Singapore. He has published extensively on language policy, World Englishes, sociolinguistics and pragmatics. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Sociolinguistics, and sits on the editorial boards of Applied Linguistics and English World-Wide.
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- 出版社:香港大學出版社 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2010/10/01
- 語言:英文
買東西English in Singapore:Modernity and Management追加好評
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目前韓方發現宣布進入“準戰時狀態”的朝鮮將後方的砲擊部隊移至前方。 韓國軍方正在密切關注朝軍動態。 為應對朝鮮開砲挑釁,韓美實施“共同應對朝鮮局部挑釁作戰計劃”,啟動聯合作戰體系。
朝鮮軍方20日下午在京畿道漣川非軍事區(DMZ)向韓方兩次發射數枚砲彈。 作為回應,韓方立刻向朝方發射了29枚口徑為155毫米的砲彈。 當初發表的是36枚,但後來得到證實,韓方發射了29枚。 韓軍將警戒態勢上調至最高級別,目前在密切關注朝方動向,做好應對進一步挑釁的萬全準備。
韓國軍方表示,第一次挑釁發生於下午3時53分,朝方發射了一枚14.5毫米口徑防空砲砲彈;第二次挑釁發生於下午4時12分,朝方用直射武器發射了數枚76.2毫米口徑砲彈。 韓方向朝方發射發射了29枚砲彈,但韓方實際上沒有打擊“挑釁源頭”,可能引發爭議。 截至目前,砲擊沒有造成韓方人員傷亡和物資損害,朝方損害也不明。
朝鮮當天晚上召開勞動黨中央軍事委員會擴大會議,當天下午4點50分向韓國國防部發來通知,要求韓方從20日下午5時起48小時內停止對朝擴音喊話並拆除一切相關設施,否則將採取軍事行動。 總參謀部還強調,韓軍的對朝擴音喊話是對朝鮮的重大挑戰。 但朝鮮同時說,目前的韓朝關係還能解決,朝鮮也有意向做出努力。
當天會議主要討論朝鮮的挑釁目的和追加挑釁時應對方案。 朴槿惠提及的“果斷應對”內容包括“若有朝鮮挑釁,現場指揮官應採取對應還擊”的內容。 朴槿惠21日的行程全部取消。
據悉,韓國政府認為,朝鮮發射砲彈後發來通知聲稱將採取軍事行動,這次砲擊的目的可能是探索韓國的反映。 韓國安全方面的相關人士表示:“最近朝鮮地雷挑釁後,韓國已預料朝鮮的多種挑釁行為,當天砲擊也是其中之一。”
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